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How to Start Drinking Less

HomeSober livingHow to Start Drinking Less
How to Start Drinking Less

Our mission is to use new technology to make treatment more accessible, and reduce the stigma around problem drinking. We offer both abstinence and moderation as options, and use only evidence-based methods. In short, alcohol use disorder takes the form of a disease which affects the functioning of a person’s decision making process, internal reward system, and coping mechanisms. While it may seem like a simple choice for those not experiencing it, for those who depend on alcohol it is a difficult mental battle every step of the way. Once established, this change in a person’s brain chemistry impacts their thinking, and their ability to weigh the consequences of drinking versus not drinking. It also results in severe cravings, often strong enough that a person can think of little else.

Then one day, inspiration about how to change my life came from the most unlikely of sources. Start by understanding your relationship with alcohol and choosing a date to quit. If you have alcohol use disorder, getting medical help is important. But if you’re living with alcohol use disorder, drinking is more than a habit.

Helping Someone with a Drinking Problem

The most straightforward way to approach this situation is to make a plan for yourself, and be firm about your boundaries if someone pushes you. This plan can be for one night, a certain length of time, or a few days every week, but it’s important to try and stick to it in order to accomplish your goal. Koob says he likes to recommend an intuitive approach to drinking moderately. Monitor how your body responds to alcohol, as well as how you feel when you don’t drink.

What are 3 tips to reduce drinking?

  • Set yourself a drink limit and count your drinks.
  • Swap to low or no alcohol alternatives.
  • Limit how much alcohol you keep in the house.
  • Change your “after work routine”.
  • Delay that first drink.
  • Drink only with dinner.

If that’s not effective, try something else or seek professional help. A range of computerised, web-based, and mobile apps have been developed to support people cutting back or quitting alcohol. They have shown promising results in early trials. The benefit of these apps is accessibility, but the outcomes are modest and they seem to work best in conjunction with professional support.

Recognize the signs of alcohol use disorder

Maybe you’re worried that people will judge you for struggling with drinking. Or maybe you’re worried that they’ll judge you for wanting to quit. For some people, their why is centered around relationships.

Get instant help, along with your own https://ecosoberhouse.com/alized therapy toolbox. Journal to track your feelings as you curb alcohol. Educate yourself on what happens when you consume alcohol.

Stay in touch – get the latest news and receive our eBook, ‘24 things you can do TODAY to get control of your drinking’!

So, how might a how to control drinking who drinks excessively change his or her behavior? One approach is through Behavior Self-Control Training, or BSCT. This is an approach to behavior modification that seeks to train individuals to set and follow goals for themselves.


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